Monday, September 19, 2011

Sneak Peak at Upcoming Reviews

I've got a nice amount of books lined up for review! Some have been, I'm ashamed to say, sitting in said pile for far too long during my absence from the blogging world.

But it is my goal to get back into the swing of things, and I hope to have at least two reviews completed and up before the end of this month. More, is, of course, preferable, but this is my minimum.

At the top of my list to tackle are two ARCs: Last Breath by Rachel Caine (Morganville Vampires #11) and The Next Always by Nora Roberts (#1 in the Inn Boonsoro trilogy).

Both of these books came to me via NOR.

I'm very honored, and excited, to have my hands on an ARC of Nora Robert's latest book--she's a legend, and was one of the first authors that I was introduced to when I was younger. In fact, I received a copy of her Born In Trilogy when I was about 12 or so from my aunt when she was going through some of things-- I fell in love with that book, and Roberts' writing then and now, years later, that hasn't changed one bit. I still have that book, and I just reread it for the tenth time not more than a few months ago.

I've also got All You Desire by Kirsten Miller (Eternal Ones, Book 2); NightShade by Andrea Cremer; Wolfsbane by Andrea Cremer (A Nightshade Novel); Matched by Ally Condie; and an ARC of Crossed by Ally Condie.

All of these books were sent to me by their respective publishers.
Thank you very much!

There are also a few more that will be up later on, both print and E-books that I have requested from NOR. As I do not yet have them, I cannot say when their reviews are to be expected.

And when I've finished all of these reviews, I have plans for a few others... while searching through the available books on NOR yesterday, I began a nice list of books, mostly all E-books, that I will be requesting once I've sent in my reviews for the books I've currently got. Some of them are ones that I am very anxious to read, and was thrilled to see available, even months after they debuted on the site. A lot of Ellora's Caves books will be reviewed within the next few months by me if I request, and get, many of the books on my list.


What about everyone else? What books have you been lucky enough to receive for review lately? Or, what books of your own are you going to be reviewing in the near future? I'm always one the look out for more books to add to my wish list, so let me know what you are reviewing!


 Until Next Time,

1 comment :

Marg said...

Jealous of the Nora ARC! I am really looking forward to this new series!