Update going into 2021: I am not currently taking on new review requests. If/when this changes, I will post that information here.
Interested in Having Your Book Reviewed?
We love reviewing diverse romances and promoting diverse authors. ❤
Genres We Review:
- Historical Romance
- Paranormal Romance
- Contemporary Romance
- Romantic Suspense
- LGBTQ+ romances (in any of the genres mentioned)
- I fully admit, I mostly read M/M, BUT I would love to change this, so please don't hesitate to contact me about your other queer titles! :)
- Erotica -- So long as it's HEA/HFN
- Note: some extreme kinks/fetishes/taboo subjects may not be a good fit for me/the blog, but the only way to know for sure is to at least ask me first!
- New Adult Romance
- I prefer to read NA with characters over 18; I do not read under 18 / YA
Genres We WILL NOT Review:
- Inspirational Romance
- YA novels (characters are under 18)
- Woman's Fiction/Chick Lit
- There are a few favorite authors that we talk about on the blog who fit in this category already, but it's rare that we review this genre on the blog
Basically -- if it's not a romance novel, it won't be covered on this blog!
Formats We Accept:
- Print (email me for mailing address)
- E-Books -- Mobi files work best for all of us.
- NetGalley widgets and invites
- Edelweiss widgets and invites
- Audiobooks [see update note below]
We accept ARC and finished copies in both print and e-book formats.
We will NOT accept 'Direct to Kindle only' review requests. I'm talking about individual authors emailing the eARCs to our @kindle emails.
UPDATE: I am now accepting audiobooks for review, for the same genres as listed above for print/ebook. I listen to at least 1 or 2 audiobooks every week, and while I haven't done a full review for an audiobook here on the blog, I have done mini-reviews, both on my weekly Whatcha Reading? posts and on GR.
Audiobooks would get two separate ratings: 1-5 stars for the book itself (like with any book reviewed here on the site) and 1-5 for the narrator.
If your book is coming out in audio format and you are looking to have it reviewed, please contact me!
Our Rating System:
5 Stars = Perfect keeper book and will be reread many times. Royal Pick status.
4.5 Stars = Great read, Highly recommended, definitely worthy of a reread or two. Royal Pick status.
4 Stars = Very good. Still a keeper, might be worthy of a reread again, definitely recommend.
3.5 Stars = Nice, quick read.
3 Stars = Okay, about average.
2.5 Stars = Eh....Not the worst, but below average.
2 Stars = Borderline fail; there were problems and/or something was missing!
1.5 Stars = Nope, nope, nope -- but there must have been something still "good/okay" about it.
1 Star = Major flaws. There may have been rage-reading going on by the end.
DNF = Did Not Finish, cannot give a star rating to.
About Our Reviews:
- Our reviews usually consist of a brief summary of the story line, followed by the reasons we liked (or did not like) the book, perhaps an example or two that explains why we liked/did not like it, and an overall rating and final word on it.
- However, we often play around with our review formats, to keep things from getting too boring -- for us or for you, the reader!
- Often we put favorite quotes from the book in our reviews.
- We try to post reviews in a timely manner, but obviously things do come up that may prevent this. ARC reviews are usually held off until 1-2 weeks before the release date; reviews for already released books are posted soon after we complete them.
I am also open to Giveaways, Author Interviews, Guest Posts, Blog Tours and the like. Please see this page for more information!
When I accept a book for review, this just means that I have received the review copy and have put it on my consideration list. We do not guarantee a review just because we have an ARC/finished copy.I (and my co-reviewers) reserve the right to choose not to write a review after reading the book.
- Should we choose to write a review, I will let you know when it will be posted on the blog.
- Unless the review is under 3.5-4 Stars
- The day the review goes up on the blog, I promote it on social media (Twitter and Facebook mainly). I often include a line from the review, the star rating, and tag the author/publisher, if possible.
- Unless the review is under 3.5-4 Stars, in which case I do NOT tag the author/publisher
- If you wish to have your book reviewed shortly before or after its release date, it would be best to plan on contacting me at least 2 months before that time. Giving us more time is always best, as it allows us to not only plan our "need to review" list, but it also allows me to mark out a good date for the review on the calendar.
- Note: This is not a firm requirement, and I understand that it's not always possible to have ARCs ready so far in advance. Please don't feel like you can't contact me mere days before your book releases -- you totally can! BUT please realize that the chances of us getting a review done in that time frame is very, very small.
- Again, this is not a problem: reviews are there to help new readers find books, whether the book came out 3 days ago or 3 years. :)
Final Words:
I don't review every book I read. However, I almost always live-tweet the books I read (review or otherwise), share quotes, add my thoughts as I go, etc. Even if I don't review a book, I typically leave some sort of little comment about it, either on my GR, my Twitter, or in my Saturday Whatcha Reading? posts.
My point is this: even if you do not get a review from us, chances are your book may still get mentioned in some other way. And I've had plenty of readers find a new book that way -- often when I'm tweeting out quotes from the book (I never do spoiler quotes).
If you are interested in having me review your book or host you here on TBQ's Book Palace, please email me: The_Book_Queen@yahoo.com, with your request in the subject line (that is: Author Interview/Guest Post Request or Book Review Request).
If you're looking to have your new release or book deal shared on the blog/social media, please check out this page for more information!
If you're looking to have your new release or book deal shared on the blog/social media, please check out this page for more information!
If you have any other questions, comments, concerns, etc., feel free to email me and I'd be happy to help!
Danielle (TBQ)