What I've Been Reading This Week
Hello again. Wow, two posts in one day-- that's a bit odd for me!
Of course, don't get too use to it-- I assure you, I highly doubt it will happen again, and if it does, it will be once in a blue moon.
It's been a while since I've done a 'weekly' list of what I've read (February was the last one), and I decided it's time I start it up again.
This past week (from Sunday till today) was a bit slow for me, as far as completing books, but I just had so much to do. I'm hoping that next week I will be able to put a good dent in my April total, since I will be gone for three days, and I plan on using as much of that free time as possible to read. We'll see...
On to what I read:
Monday: The Cat
The fifth book in Johnson's "Sons of Destiny" series was amazing, absolutely amazing. I mean, I loved all the other books (still need to get a copy of The Flame and The Storm, along with The Mage ) but I think that this one was my favorite. Trevan was a perfect hero, not only was he sexy and possessive, but he first showed us his tender, gentleman side. They didn't have sex until almost the very end of the book, and while that would normally annoy me in other books, it didn't bother me at all in this one. The story was still interesting, and funny, and romantic, and because he waited, it proved his love not only to Amara, but also to the readers. Some other readers have called The Cat one of their least favorite books in this series, but I have to disagree. I can't wait to see what else Jean is going to send our way-- she's definitely one of the top writers in the industry, at least in my opinion. 5/5 STARS
Summary (B&N): Amara is wary of mages––they chased her out of her homeland. Yet there is something about the mage Trevan of Nightfall that Amara can’t resist. But can he be trusted with her most fiercely guarded secret? Courting such a pretty yet prickly outlander won’t be easy, but Trevan is determined to try. She may be fierce, proud, and from a different culture, but after all, he is the Cat, and none but the most fascinating and challenging of women could satisfy him…
Wednesday: Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass
Not a romance novel, my usual genre, nor is it a fantasy, so you're probably asking 'Why did you read it?'. Well, besides the fact that I've said I would try to read novels from other genres more often, it was also one of the books I choose to put in my LibraryThing 999 Challenge.
It wasn't a bad book, and while I know it had a great point to it, I have to say the writing was a bit, well, bland at times. But then, I've usually said that about most books written before the 1900's, so it's not a big surprise to me. It's just my personal tastes. But, for the most part, I enjoyed reading about Douglass's struggle through slavery, and then his freedom, and it was a nice reminder of all that the African-Americans have been forced to go through. 3/5 STARS
Summary (B&N): This dramatic autobiography of the early life of an American slave was first published in 1845, when its young author had just achieved his freedom. Douglass' eloquence gives a clear indication of the powerful principles that led him to become the first great African-American leader in the United States.
Friday: Moving Violations
One of the first books I've read in E-book form (yes, ever!) and I enjoyed it. Of course, the fact that it was a Lora Leigh probably didn't hurt! I love her books, especially her Breeds', she always manages to capture the right amount of romance, steamy erotic scenes, characters, and a good plot line to make the perfect book. And they are always such good books, that you can sit down and finish them in one sitting (like I did with this one. Of course, since it was on the computer, I did regret it a bit after because of the killer neck/headache I got afterwards, but it was worth it!). Really, what more can I say? I mean, it's a Lora Leigh novel-- enough said! 4/5 STARS
Summary (B&N): Deceit and treachery mix with treason in a small Tennessee town. When Becca returns to Jericho as the new deputy, she wasn't expecting that the man she's loved for ten years would welcome her with a night of passion and lust. Nor did she expect that he was actually her new boss, the newly appointed sheriff.
Now Becca and Jackson must find their way amid a growing desire and a love deeper than they imagined, as well as a danger that could destroy more than just their lives. It could destroy a nation.
Friday (Again!): Perfect
I can't believe how much I ended up loving this book! I'd put it off for almost a year, and there were a few points in the book where it dragged a bit too much for my tastes, but over all, I was very impressed-- Perfect was almost, well, perfect! Sweet, romantic, witty, and yes, a bit over dramatic at times, but it was still a lovely read! I'd love to go back and find a few more of McNaught's books, such as Paradise, which features a couple (Matt and Meredith, I believe) that appeared in this one. It was a long book, much longer than most romances I read, but I didn't mind it too much-- the length was definitely needed for their love to come about, and Zach to be proven innocent. 4.5/5 STARS.
Summary (B&N): A rootless foster child, Julie Mathison had blossomed under the love showered upon her by her adoptive family. Now a lovely and vivacious young woman, she was a respected teacher in her small Texas town, and she passionately lived her ideals. Julie was determined to give back all the kindness she'd received; nothing and no one would ever shatter the perfect life she had fashioned.
Zachary Benedict was an actor/director whose Academy Award-winning career had been shattered when he was wrongly convicted of murdering his wife. After the tall, ruggedly handsome Zack escaped from a Texas prison, he abducted Julie and forced her to drive him to his Colorado mountain hideout. She was outraged, cautious, and unable to ignore the instincts that whispered of his innocence. He was cynical, wary, and increasingly attracted to her. Passion was about to capture them both in its fierce embrace...but the journey to trust, true commitment, and proving Zack's innocence was just beginning....
Until Next Time,

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I have never read a Judith McNaught book but I just got a few of them from a friend and she swears I've been missing out!!
Have a great weekend.
BTW, one of the books I ordered shipped to me, the other to you, lol!! Honestly, it's fine--keep it. But promise you'll atleast review it. The author is one of my favs :)
Looks like a great diverse line up TBQ!
You enjoy. :)
Will look forward to your thoughts.
Best Regards
Barbara--- This was my first McNaught, and like I said, I was pleasantly surprised-- it was really quiet good! I picked it up on a whim one day while waiting in line at the store, and then it got misplaced in my giant pile of TBR until now. But after reading it, I'm defintely looking forward to more of her books, both historical and yes, even the contemporaries. If you have some at home, I would recommend that you try them soon, I doubt you will be disappointed! :D Enjoy!
Lea-- It was quiet diverse, wasn't it? I mean, I got an erotic E-Book in there (not my usual thing), a non-fiction, a contemporary, AND a paranormal. I never even thought of that until now... LOL. Well, I doubt it will be the same this week. So far, I'm reading a paranormal, and thinking of continuing the trend to the end of the week. But who knows? It's subject to change! ;)
Thanks for stopping by,
Until Next Time,
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