Stay with me through the next month or so (my finals here at college), and I promise something sweet as a reward afterwards-- I'm finally going to get off my lazy butt (figuratively) and host the giveaway I've been talking about for so long. Not quiet sure when I will have it start/end, but I will figure that out soon, I promise. And I'll keep the books that I'm giving away a secret...for now, at least. Guess you'll just have to check back to find out, won't you? ;)
Okay, moving on!
This past week was slow, but I did receive two books, which isn't anything to sneeze at!
Here are the two books:
On Tuesday, I received my prize from Larissa Ione's Spread the Word Contest that she held most of last month and part of this month. Not only did I received a copy of Cynthia Eden's Immortal Danger, but Larissa also threw in some signed 'bookplates' to put on my Demonica books, and a few amazing bookmarks (All pictured below, I hope you can see 'em. I'm not the best at taking great pictures! LOL)

The other book was from LibraryThing's Early Reviewer Program (March Bonus Batch, just FYI). It's a mystery novel, an ARC, and it won't be out until July. The book is called The Last Bridge by Teri Coyne. It sounds good and I'm going to be starting it ASAP, with the intention of having my review done and online by the end of next week.

I'm only put it ahead of Immortal Danger because, though I appreciate winning ID from Larissa, it's not a book from a publisher who is expecting a review very soon. I'll probably be reading them both around the same time, but the review for The Last Bridge is going to come first.
Enjoy, TBQ!! I still have to read Ione's new releases myself.
I hear you, there haven't been enough hours in the day this past couple of weeks for me either. Hopefully that is turning around as of tonight.
I picked up "Immortal Danger", myself last week and am looking forward to the read!
I love all your other goodies.
Best Regards
Hello my dear..
Great set of books this week...
I am still hoping to snag a book form library thing - i might get lucky one of the time...
Enjoy the reads
Thanks, I will, as soon as I get some more spare time! LOL. Seems like it's all slipping away from me when I'm not looking-- maybe in the middle of the night? ;) Almost done with The Last Bridge...It's different, not quiet sure what my thoughts are on it yet. We'll see when I sit down to write the review in a few days.
You really need to read her books-- I think you'll love them.
I swear, during the cold winter months, I had more time to spare, but now... Hopefully this summer I'll have a bit more time, since my classes will be over (well, except for one or two that I may take over the summer semester, but they're only one credit classes, which usually equals a bit less work, I've noticed).
Thanks-- I really love the one book mark for her Demonica series (it doesn't show up well in the picture I posted, sorry!) but the tattoo and the muscles on that model are very drool worthy! :D I don't want to use them and risk ruining them, so I'm keeping them under lock and key.
I'm sure you'll get a book soon! I'll admit I've been very lucky at LT since I joined the program, and I'm glad that they originally started the ER program. I love it. But I wish they'd get more books to choose from-- especially romance novels! I think I've seen one or two on there in the past year, and one of them was Passion Unleashed (which I already had an ARC of at the time).
Thanks for stopping by, all of you! I'm going to work harder to keep my blog up next month, I've fallen way behind this month for various reasons. Enjoy your reading, and hope to read some more great reviews/posts from your blogs soon!
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