As you know, "What Did I Receive" is much like the popular "In My Mailbox". On Fridays, I try to post any and all books I may have received in the past week, unless I haven't had any deliveries.
Unfortunately, the junk mail and bills seem to overflow my mailbox more often than books.... In a book lover's world, the roles would be reversed, of course! :D
Honestly, I wasn't expecting anything this week, but I was lucky enough to get a few. I bet you can guess what I'm thankful for right now! *Wink* Yep, the free books!
Here's what I got this week:
For Review (In Print):
~The Returners by Gemma Malley (Thanks to Anna from Bloomsbury)
For Review (In E-Book):
~Full Blood by Liberty Stafford (Thanks to Night Owl Romance)
~Half Blood by Liberty Stafford (Thanks to Night Owl Romance)
~The Amethyst Amulets by Cilian Burns (Thanks to Night Owl Romance)
~Beast Master by Vonna Harper (Thanks to Night Owl Romance)
Thanks to Night Owl Romance, whom I've recently started to review for, I've got quiet a load to work on this Christmas Break. Expect all of the reviews for them up by the first part of the year or so.
So, besides being behind on blog posts, I'm very behind on my Christmas Shopping. I think I've got... 2 presents. Yep, that's it! I know, I know, I've only got this weekend to get caught up, so that's no doubt where I'll be for the next few days. *Sigh* And then all the wrapping next week... Oh, the joys of Christmas! LOL. No, really, I love this holiday, but sometimes the build up to the big day is a bit of a pain, you know?
Hope everyone has a great weekend, enjoy, and see you next week! Oh, and expect my review of "Truly, Madly" on Monday!
Until Next Time,
Congrats on being a reviewer for NOR...
I look forward to yuor reviews.. Are you allowed ot post them on your blog as well...
**I feel your pain with the holiday shopping - a book always works for me...**
Thanks-- I found NOR after I was on JennJ's blog, and well, the rest they say is history. :)
I'm allowed to post them on my blog, as long as I put the link showing that it's "owned" by NOR. However, when I get ARCs later on (right now I've only got already released books), I have to wait two months after I've turned in my review to NOR before I can post it on my blog.
But, no worries, I'll still post reviews here, plenty of them (next year especially, since I fell so behind this year). And even if I can't post it on here, I'd always give the link back to the review on NOR's website instead. :D
Have a great weekend, and if I don't see you on here again before XMas, then Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays as well!
Hey honey! I am soo sorry it took me a while too get here!!! Congrats on becoming a NOR reviewer too!! And I can not wait to see your thoughts on some of those books!
Hope you had great weekend and wonderful Monday!
My husband goes to bed early and I cannot go to sleep atleast till 12. This has become a problem in the romance dept. Any suggestions.?? I'm desperate
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