Sunday, July 18, 2010

Lusting for Covers (29)

Lusting for Covers is a weekly meme, held on Sunday, that allows bloggers to share their current cover obsession with fellow book lovers.

Here's what you do:

1- Take the graphic (left) to use on your post. Remember to give credit to the original host (TBQ).

2- Choose your own book cover that you've fallen in "lust" with in the past week. It can be new, old, a reprint, or even a book that is not yet out-- it's all up to you! If you find a cover that catches your eye, then showcase it on your blog, and let others see the pretty covers out there.

3- Copy the direct link to your own L4C post into the comment section on my post (when in doubt, use this link and then scroll down to find the post), and allow others to come and see what you picked!

4- Besides posting the picture of the book cover you chose, it's nice to provide the book summary, title, author, or a website link for the book. It's not required, but it can help you readers' to add more books to their own list! A brief "Why I choose this cover" is also appreciated, but not required.

NOTE: PLEASE link back to my blog ( somewhere in your post, letting viewers know that it is my meme, not something you are trying to call your own. Failing to do so, with the intent of actually calling this your own work, will result in trouble! I hate threatening, but really, is it so hard to post a link that says "This meme is hosted by TBQ."? Link love is great, and actually quite easy-- please use it!

Here's my candidate for the week:
Crave: A Novel of the Fallen Angels

Title: Crave
Author: J.R. Ward
Publisher/Publication Date: Signet (October 5, 2010)
Summary (Amazon):
Seven deadly sins. Seven souls that must be saved. One more no-holds- barred battle between a fallen angel with a hardened heart and a demon with everything to lose.
Isaac Rothe is a black ops soldier with a dark past and a grim future. The target of an assassin, he finds himself behind bars, his fate in the hands of his gorgeous public defender Grier Childe. His hot attraction to her can only lead to trouble-and that's before Jim Heron tells him his soul is in danger. Caught up in a wicked game with the demon who shadows Jim, Isaac must decide whether the soldier in him can believe that true love is the ultimate weapon against evil.

I'm very anxious to get this book-- the cover's amazing, the author is very talented, and the book sounds like another winner! All in all, sounds like a good deal, right? Sexy cover and the potential for a good story line? :D

What cover are you currently lusting for? Tell me, I want to know! Follow the directions above on how to post your own Lusting for Covers, and leave a comment telling me what you think of Crave's cover.

*On a side note, I'm happy to see that my "Post Scheduling" option is back up and running. It hasn't been working for going on two months now, hence the lack of posts on time, et cetera. :-D *


Until Next Time,

1 comment :

Lover Of Romance said...

I love this cover!!! Nice body for sure !!! i love reading from this author, she is pretty good!!!

Here is Mine

Hope you having a good weekend!!!

Happy Reading!