Publisher: The Writer's Coffee Shop (October 12, 2012)
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Twenty-five year old Charlotte “Charlie” Barrow is caught between her old life and the one she is beginning to build when she crosses paths with a handsome stranger on the subway. Not looking for romance, she closes her heart off to the possibilities of love. With a knack for mishaps, Charlie maintains her sense of humor while befriending the kind stranger who seems to be there at all the right times.
New York freelance writer, Charlie Adams, is forging his own path beyond the expectations of the society circles of his childhood. Rejecting family money, and fast-lane friends, he is snubbed by his family as he follows his own compass to a life more extraordinary.
Through a coincidence of events, they come to rely on each other for comfort. This is the tale of two Charlies learning to trust again while fighting their fates to create their own destiny.
Where to Buy*:
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Kame's Review:
Imagine riding the busy subway in New York City and someone catching your eye, then they get off a stop later. You think your chance at an instant connection is gone forever, but when you go out for drinks with a friend you see this person again. Is it destiny or fate?
This is how Charles and Charlotte meet in Naturally, Charlie. Both go by the name Charlie, and the name suits them both well. Charles feels the immediate connection and has the foresight to not rush Charlotte and let her set the pace of the relationship. Charlotte has been hurt in the past, by a fiancée whose family did not think she was the right choice. Charles and her former fiancée traveled in similar circles, and leery of a second broken heart Charlotte decides a friendship is the best choice.
These characters were multidimensional. Charles is a freelance writer who has a soft soul. He is patient and kind. He knows he must wait until Charlotte is ready to learn the depth of his feelings. Charlotte is a quirky girl who makes up words to convey her feelings and bakes cupcakes as a way to calms herself. She has yet to deal with the hurt of the rejection of her fiancée.
This is one of those stories when you think this could really happen, this could just as well be nonfiction or romantic fiction. It is not all hearts and flowers, and there are some scenes of great pain, along with joy. I loved how turns were taken between the voices of the characters. One chapter would be told from Charles point of view and a different one from Charlotte’s – I really liked how the male and female symbol was used near the chapter heading to indicate whose voice would be talking.
Kame: I received an Advanced Readers Copy of this book from a review service for my honest review.
*Note*: All quotes used in this review are the property of S.L. Scott. Kame and TBQ's Book Palace do not claim them in anyway.
Meet Kame:

Kame's GoodReads
Until Next Time,
*TBQ's Book Palace is a member of both the Amazon and Barnes and Nobles affiliates program. By using the links provided to buy products from either website, I receive a very small percentage of the order. To read my full disclosure on the matter, please see this post!
Meet Kame:

Kame is part of a family of readers; one day she picked up the Nook she purchased for her husband and discovered her love of e-books. A few months later he purchased one for her so he could have his back! Kame’s Nook is never far, and she is hard pressed to pick a favorite book, genre or author. As long as there are characters that make her want to sit down and have a chat and a plot keeps the pages turning, she’ll read it.
Kame's GoodReads
~ * ~ * ~ * ~
Ooh, I'm definitely putting this one on my list, Kame! Thanks for sharing your honest thoughts with us! :D
Ooh, I'm definitely putting this one on my list, Kame! Thanks for sharing your honest thoughts with us! :D
Until Next Time,
*TBQ's Book Palace is a member of both the Amazon and Barnes and Nobles affiliates program. By using the links provided to buy products from either website, I receive a very small percentage of the order. To read my full disclosure on the matter, please see this post!
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