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Meet Iosbail and Alexander from Highland Persuasion
Thanks for joining me on Highland Persuasion’s, Bewitching Book Tour. Book two in The MacLomain Series- Early Years, Highland Persuasion, focuses on the turbulent attraction between two sworn enemies. An immortal, Iosbail is determined to bring revenge on Salvator. A mortal man, Alexander swears the same. But even the most determined rivals can get caught up in unavoidable desire. So goes the tale of these two.
I thought it might be fun to interview them today at TBQ’s Personal Book Palace. This will be a two part interview that concludes the day after tomorrow at KH LeMoyne’s, Fantasy Powered by Love blog (http://fantasypoweredbylove.com/). To make it interesting, I interviewed them separately in order to obtain their most truthful responses to the following questions. Do these two see things the same way? Let’s see.
SKY: Tell us a little bit about you.
IOSBAIL: An immortal, I was born in fifth century Ireland but left when young to travel across Europe and eventually settle in East Lothian where I birthed the Broun clan. Years later, I left the Brouns and spent my later years with my brother’s highland clan, the MacLomains.
ALEXANDER: I can tell you who I once was but not who I’ve become. That is revealed in the story. But back when it all began I was the chieftain of the Sinclair clan.
SKY: Remembering the moment you first laid eyes on Alexander/Iosbail, what thoughts come to mind?
IOSBAIL: I didnae expect him to be so handsome. I was sure that my sworn enemy would be a vile creature.
ALEXANDER: I thought her far too bonnie to be a Broun. Surely she was the devil in disguise.
SKY: He/she has one trait you adored from the start. What is it? You know without doubt he/she appreciates one of your traits. Share what you think that is.
IOSBAIL: Alexander had a softness toward the wee bairns I didnae anticipate. ‘Tis hard to say if Alexander favored anything about me at the beginning. Mayhap my skills in battle. *grins*
ALEXANDER: Aye, Iosbail’s a feisty lass. What’s not to love about that? I always did like a good challenge. ‘Tis unlikely she enjoyed much about me when we first met. If she did, ‘twas not mentioned.
SKY: He/she has one trait you’d change if you could. What is it? Oh yeah, there’s a trait you know he’d/she’d change about you…fess up!
IOSBAIL: ‘Tis little I would change about the lad. Even his obstinate nature now appeals to me. Who knew that would happen! Would he change a thing about me? Nay. Never.
ALEXANDER: Iosbail has a constant habit, or should I say desire, to put herself in harm’s way. Whether she is immortal or not, it used to alarm me. Now, I will admit there is something alluring about a lass who fights well alongside me. Do I think she would change something about me? Nay. Not a thing.
~Sky Purington
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Highland Persuasion by Sky Purington
Series: The MacLomain Series--Early Years, 2
Genre: Historical Romance (Time Travel)
Iosbail MacLomain will do whatever it takes to bring Laird Alexander Sinclair to his knees. Even if it means she has to travel through time to eleventh century Scotland and manipulate a king into marrying her off to the enemy.
What she doesn't anticipate is a bitter rivalry between King Edgar and Alexander Sinclair. It seems the man she just married is by birthright a threat to the throne. Her plans are suddenly hindered when she and her new husband are almost murdered.
Their lives on the line, Alexander and Iosbail are forced to flee across the country. Fraught with risk, adventure and wild, unexpected desire they struggle against overwhelming odds. Only on MacLomain land does justice stand a chance.
Will a true king find shelter so far from his homeland? Can a woman set out for vengeance forgive deeds done wrong?
Better yet, can enemies persuade one another to forgive and perhaps even love?
Find out in a powerful story that leaves no soul untouched... HIGHLAND PERSUASION.
Where to Buy*:
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Thanks for stopping by, Sky! I look forward to reading more about Isobail and Alexander, and I must stop by and read the rest of your interview on your next stop! :)
Until Next Time,
*TBQ's Book Palace is a member of both the Amazon and Barnes and Nobles affiliates program. By using the links provided to buy products from either website, I receive a very small percentage of the order. To read my full disclosure on the matter, please see this post!
Thanks for having 'us' over today! :-)
Oooh Highland Persuasion sounds good!!
Sounds like a great read!!
Thanks for the chance to win!
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