Monday, July 28, 2014

[Review]: "Maybe This Time"

Maybe This Time by A.M. Arthur
Publisher: Carina Press (July 21, 2014)
Series: The Belonging, 2
Genre: M/M Contemporary Romance

As a regular at gay hotspot Pot O Gold, Ezra Kelley avoids his tangled emotions with the simplicity of one-night stands and attachment-free hookups. Until the night bartender Donner Davis picks him up off the floor after a misunderstanding and too much tequila. Ezra can't remember the last time someone was…nice. It's more than he deserves.

Witnessing his lover's death two years ago has Donner trapped in a holding pattern�living in his sister's basement, working at the Pot and flirting with the customers. He's not above spending a night with the gorgeous Ezra, but love is not in the cards. That's more than he's ready for.

A passionate night leads to a connection neither man expects, and they take the first steps to something that looks like a real relationship. But Ezra's been running from himself so long he doesn't know how to live any other way. And Donner can't risk his heart just to lose everything again. They'll both need the strength to let go of the past if they want to get it right this time.

Where to Buy*:
More Info:

Reviews of Arthur's Previous Books:

No Such Thing (#1) -- TBQ

My Review:

I knew when I read No Such Thing that Ezra's story would be good. I was right. Maybe This Time was so very, very good!

I loved Ezra and Donner, both as a couple and as individuals. They were each trying to escape their pasts, which were not dark, but rather real situations that could easily happen. I appreciated this, as the constant dark past in many romances lately can get a bit tiring. 

Besides the great emotions brought up in this book, A.M. Arthur also delivers another super sexy romance. The tension between Ezra and Donner sparked, bright and often!

I really hope there are more books planned in this series. I'm very curious to see Remy and Brendan – perhaps they will be couple #3? Regardless, I look forward to visiting with these men again.

A steamy m/m romance with heart and emotion, Maybe This Time is a wonderful choice for any fan of the genre. 


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I received an e-ARC of this book from the publisher, via NetGalley, in exchange for my honest opinion.

~ * ~ * ~

To be honest, this cover is just not  doing it for me. The cover for No Such Thing was nice, but there's something about this one that bothers me. Oh well, don't judge a book by its cover -- the story inside is great! :)

Have you read A.M. Arthur before? Do you read much M/M romance?


Until Next Time,


  *TBQ's Book Palace is a member of both the Amazon and Barnes and Nobles affiliates program. By using the links provided to buy products from either website, I receive a very small percentage of the order. To read my full disclosure on the matter, please see this post!


Red Iza said...

Don't like the cover much either and I've never read a book by this author (yet !). I don't like constant dark pasts too, so it's good that an author of contemporary finally manages without it ! Thanks for the review, I'll add this one to my list ;)

Anna@herding cats&burning soup said...

Aw yay glad you found a good one Danielle! I've still not gotten too much in to m/m but have one on my review list I need to get to. I know so many of yall who just love them.

The_Book_Queen said...

I only started reading the genre last year myself. It's not my go-to genre, and I doubt it ever will be, but when I'm in the mood or I need something different, then it's the perfect fit! :)

The_Book_Queen said...

If you don't mind m/m, I think you'd love this book and the previous book in the series; she has another m/m series out, but I've not read it yet. This series is more along the lines of an NA male-male, age-wise at least.

I'm not sure what happened with this cover . . . book 1 has a much, much better cover design!

Sophia Rose said...

I enjoy some m/m romance in many of romance's sub-genres. I have read Cost of Repairs by this author and have the second book in the series in my TBR pile. I like her stuff. I like the point you made about this one not being 'dark'- sometimes I just want comfortable reads too.

The_Book_Queen said...

I have the first few from that series in TBR, bought them on sale this past year. And yes, it's nice for things to be . . . lighter. Not light and fluffy, necessarily, but not deep and dark, either. :)