Thursday, January 31, 2019

Thursday Book Deals

Warning: I'm sorry in advance to your debit card! 

Make sure that you double check the price before one-clicking! As you know, sometimes the deal ends unexpectedly or there's a glitch, etc.

Listed lowest to highest. 

FREE ✦ Lady of Desire by Darcy Burke

She teams up with a reclusive scholar to use an ancient text to find a legendary treasure.

Historical Romance

$0.99 ✦ Insert Groom Here by K.M. Jackson

She’s the star of a “find a groom” reality show; he’s the producer.

Contemporary Romance

$0.99 ✦ Brooklynaire by Sarina Bowen

1st POV. Boss/employee. He owns a hockey team, she manages the team/his life.

Contemporary Romance

$0.99 ✦ From the Top by Dani Collins

Divorced dad restoring a ski resort has a 1NS with a professional skier, which leads to an unexpected pregnancy.

Contemporary Romance

$1.99 ✦ Damaged Goods by Talia Hibbert

Second chance (teenage sweethearts). She's pregnant and running from her abusive husband. Moroccan-Italian cafe owner.

Contemporary Romance

Putting these lists together takes time. If you appreciate this content, please consider buying me a Ko-Fi.


Until Next Time,

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