Thursday, August 29, 2019

Thursday Book Deals

Warning: I'm sorry in advance to your debit card! 

Make sure that you double check the price before one-clicking! As you know, sometimes the deal ends unexpectedly or there's a glitch, etc.

Listed lowest to highest. 

FREE ✦ Piece of Tail by Milly Taiden

Leopard heroine + wolf hero. They both need a mate if they want to keep their position as leader. Meet-cute through a dating agency.

Paranormal Romance (M/F)

FREE ✦ Hot as Puck by Lili Valente

1st POV. Friends to lovers. NHL bad boy + virgin kindergarten teacher. She wants him to teach her how to "be a sex goddess".

Contemporary Romance (M/F)

$1.99 ✦ To Surrender to a Rogue by Cara Elliott

Set mostly in Bath. She's an expert in antiquities, he is as well, they are on the same expedition. Also, someone is trying to blackmail her.

Historical Romance (M/F)

$1.99 ✦ Irresistibly Yours by Lauren Layne

Office romance. They're both competing for the same writing position at a magazine.

Contemporary Romance

Putting these lists together takes time. If you appreciate this content, please consider buying me a Ko-Fi.


Until Next Time,

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