Saturday, November 23, 2019

Saturday Book Deals

Warning: I'm sorry in advance to your debit card! 

Make sure that you double check the price before one-clicking! As you know, sometimes the deal ends unexpectedly or there's a glitch, etc.

Listed lowest to highest. 

FREE ✦ The Christmas Challenge by Sinclair Jayne

She's a champion barrel racer, he's an extreme sports guide.

Contemporary Romance (M/F)

$0.99 ✦ Permanent Ink by Avon Gale and Piper Vaughn

1st POV. Age gap. Poe gets in trouble and accepts a desk job with his father's best friend, who owns a tattoo shop.

Contemporary Romance (Queer, M/M)

$0.99 ✦ The Longshot by Anna Cove

Party girl heiress + hotel maid. Carly is a runaway bride who then asks Jane to help get her fiancee back. Of course she instead falls for Jane.

Contemporary Romance (Queer, F/F)

$1.99 ✦ Solid Soul by Brenda Jackson

Flower shop owner + millionaire. Both are single parents.
A few of Jackson's other Kimani titles are also on sale right now!

Contemporary Romance (M/F)

$1.99 ✦ A Brand New Ending by Jennifer Probst

Second chance. She runs the family's B+B, he's a screenplay writer.
KU Title

Contemporary Romance (M/F)

Putting these lists together takes time. If you appreciate this content, please consider buying me a Ko-Fi.


Until Next Time,

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