Monday, March 16, 2020

Monday Book Deals

Warning: I'm sorry in advance to your debit card! 

Make sure that you double check the price before one-clicking! As you know, sometimes the deal ends unexpectedly or there's a glitch, etc.

Listed lowest to highest. 

FREE ✦ The Doctor's Husband by Ann. B Harrison

Doctor needs to "prove her connection" to the community. What better way than by wedding the local guy who has been asking her out for months anyway?

Contemporary Romance (M/F)

FREE ✦ Grizzly Cove Anthology Vol. 1-3 by Bianca D'Arc

3 books.
~ Bakery owner + Sheriff
~ Lawyer hero, heroine with a secret
~ Sheriff Deputy (also a black bear rather than a grizzly)

Paranormal Romance (M/F)

$0.99 ✦ In the Line of Fire by Joss Wood

Former Delta Force "legend", now security expert at a private company. She has a PhD in psychology and criminal behavior.

Romantic Suspense (M/F)

$0.99 ✦ Country Hearts by Cindi Madsen

City teacher moves to the country and takes a teaching job in a tiny town, falls for her cowboy neighbor / single dad.

Contemporary Romance (M/F)

$1.99 ✦ A Rogue by Any Other Name by Sarah MacLean

He was cast out of society years ago. Now a co-owner of an exclusive gaming hell, he wants to regain his place. Surely marrying a proper lady should do the trick!

Historical Romance (M/F)

Putting these lists together takes time. If you appreciate this content, please consider buying me a Ko-Fi.


Until Next Time,

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