In a world of shadows and dark, cosuming hungers, desire is the deadliest weapon...
For journalist Dylan Alexander, it began with the discovery of a hidden tomb, thrusting her into the center of a gathering storm of violence and secrets. But nothing is as dangerous as the scarred, lethally seductive man who rises from the shadows to draw her into his world of dark desire and endless night.
Fueled by pain and rage over a shattering betrayal, the warrior Rio has pledged his life to the war against the Rogues. He will let nothing stand in his way—least of all a mortal woman with the power to expose the entire vampire race. For an ancient evil has been awakened, and a stunning darkness is on the rise. Suddenly Dylan is powerless to resist Rio’s touch, even as she uncovers a shocking link to her own past. And now she must choose: Leave Rio’s midnight realm, or risk it all for the man who has shown her true passion and the infinite pleasures of the heart. . .
In the spectacular fourth book in her sexy Best-Selling series, Lara Adrian gives it all she's got and leaves the reader more than satisfied. Midnight Rising tells the story of the warrior Rio, tortured and broken, lonely and betrayed, and how he finds his true love and mate.
Just like her other books, Lara Adrian provides a great story set against an interesting background (Vampires that were originally 'aliens' who came to earth thousands of years ago but could only breed with certain women, Breedmates.) plot with well developed and captivating characters, hot and steamy sex, funny moments along with an occasion heart-warming one. Yet another perfect exmample of paranormal and romance blending together effortlessly, providing the readers with a fast paced and addicting series that will leave you coming back for more.
Alpha male and Order's warrior Rio was betrayed by his mate, Eva, destroying not only himself--physically, mentally, and emotionally-- but also hurting the Order and their mission. Wishing to end his own life, he takes one last mission, promising his fellow warriors that he will carry out the orders to seal the cave, aka the Ancient's hibernation chamber, and then he was going to visit Spain for a bit... Of course, he had no plans of actually come back out of the cave, little loan going to Spain. But after months of being up their alone, hungry, betrayed, lost, and suffering from blackouts and moments of almost insanity, he loses track of time, forgeting who he is, what's he's there for....But all of this changes when Dylan walks into his cave, awakening the beast......
The rest of the story in fast paced and captivating, showing how one woman, one Breedmate, is able to pull the beast out of the shadows, to show him that there is something to live for--little does she know yet that he only wants to live for her. Rio and Dylan's conversations are well written, interesting and sad, sexy and funny. Their connection runs deep, their love sweet and tender, yet always ready to boil over into hot passion.
Besides the tale of Rio and Dylan, Midnight Rising gives us more details into the mystery the Order must figure out-- and soon---What Anicent was put in that hibernation chamber, by who, and where is he now? Because if they don't stop it soon, they might be facing a world with hundreds of new Gen One vampires *Generation One vampires, for you non-Midnight Breed fans* while at the same time the vampire holding the Ancient is having the current left over Gen One vampires executed. With an Ancient alive somewhere, hungry, dangerous, and apparently breeding, the Order has their hands full... and the question is will they be able to stop the evil plans before they go to far-- and at what costs?
5/5 STARS! A perfect romance novel with a great paranormal plotline, a deep love connection and, yes, great sex scenes, Midnight Rising provides a reader with everything they could ever want or need. If you have been following the series from the beginning, you might find yourself almost getting teary eyed a couple of times when Rio is finally mated again, happy, after so many years of torture and loneliness....A definite 'Don't Miss'!
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