Monday, June 8, 2009

May Reading

I still refuse to believe that it's already half way through '09! And I'm really not even sure where May went... I think it was there one day, and gone the next-- or maybe that was just me! I've had so much to do lately, it's no wonder I've lost track of time. See, I'm even a few weeks late getting this post up! *SIGH*. Anyway, I finished 21 books for the month of May-- and believe me, I was surprised, since I thought I had been pretty busy that month! Guess that shows that nothing gets between me and my reading! ;) That one disappointing thing about May was I only wrote... 2 reviews! Two pathetic little reviews! I'm falling so far behind on reviewing, it's not even funny. But I'm going to work harder on that next month...(Pause) Okay, I promise to work on it in July! 3 STARS: A Kiss of Fate by Mary Jo Putney The Pursuit of Happyness by Chris Gardner 3.5 STARS: A Countess Below Stairs by Eva Ibbotson Ever by Gail Carson Levine 4 STARS: Edge of Twilight by Maggie Shayne Demon Moon by Meljean Brook Chicken Soup for the Cat Lover's Soul by Jack Canfield The Truelove Bride by Shana Abe Pieces of April by Diane Haeger Blood Bayou by Karen Young (Review) 4.5 STARS: Fantasy Lover by Sherrilyn Kenyon Timeless Moon by C.T. Adams Wedding the Highlander by Janet Chapman Much Ado in the Moonlight by Lynn Kurland Immortal Danger by Cynthia Eden Angels and Demons by Dan Brown The Dream Thief by Shana Abe 5 STARS: The Hourglass Door by Lisa Magnum Lover Avenged by J.R. Ward Immortals: The Redeeming by Jennifer Ashley Highland Obsession by Dawn Halliday (Review) May was a bit of a mixed month for me, I had paranormals, historicals, fiction novels, pretty much a bit of everything. I'm really trying to finish up my two challenges on LT (My 999 challenge and my Paranormal 999 Challenge) I finished 5 books for my 999 challenge, I'm a bit over half way there. I finished 6 books for my Paranormal 999 Challenge, also about half way. So what about the rest of you? Read anything really good? Feel free to share-- I'm always up for more books to add to my list! ;) Until Next Time, The Book Queen

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