....And *somehow* came out of the GROCERY STORE with 6 books. I really don't know how it happened... I'm sticking to my story that they all jumped into my cart when my head was turned away! :D
I've been pretty good lately-- I've managed to withstand the overwhelming pressure to go book shopping lately, and I've been a good little girl staying home and working on whittling my TBR pile down (It's down to 120, from it's high of 150!). And then this happened!
I just went in to get food for dinner (And the next week, looking at my grocery bill after I left! Never go shopping while you are hungry!), but at the front of my small, local grocery store they have a spinning rack of books. Almost all romance novels, which really surprised me when they first put the rack in about 4 years ago or so. Anyway, there's no way to walk around them and continue your shopping-- you just have to stop and snoop.
Well, I did.....And within in 30 seconds, I'm not even joking, I had managed to grab SIX books off the rack and set them in my cart. Without pausing, I quickly walk off to the milk section, and continued my shopping. A few of the other customers gave me a weird look when I practically snatched them up, like I had claws, and smiled at all the yummy books I had in my cart, instead of the food, which is what I originally went in for.
Apparently they just don't understand the Book Obsession Disorder (or BOD, as it is known on the blog, right girls?;) ). Their loss, not mine!
Here's what I walked out with:
And then on top of that, I found out today that I won a book over at the BookBinge (Thanks again, girls!), so within the next week or so, I should be receiving:
Hey, at least I managed to buy food along with the books today, right? Now I don't have to worry about going broke this week and not being able to eat! Next week, however, is a different story.... ;) I can't promise to control myself every time, you know!
Until Next Time,
Pictures form B&N.com, posted through Photobucket.com
Don't feel bad, I do the same thing. I do my grocery shopping at a Walmart Supercenter and the book section is my first stop. :D
I finished Kissing Midnight yesterday, I thought it was very good book. Emma Holly writes good steamy scenes. ;)
I swear, it should be a real disorder! But I enjoy 'suffering' from this 'disease'. :D Usually my grocery store only has a few good, new releases on the rack at one time, but this time I hit the jackpot! And, I have to say, I walked away from at least 3 more that looked pretty interesting!
I've read Holly's other books, and enjoyed them-- and you're right, she is very good at writing the steamy stuff! I've been looking forward to this book (and the rest of the series) for a while now, so how could I walk away from it in the store? Exactly! LOL.
Until Next Time,
ROFL!! I so know what you mean! I can do some of my best book buying at the grocery store! I blame them......it is there fault! They put them there and they know I am going to go down that aisle and look! :)
You got some great books!!!
I stopped going to the grocery stores. My husband always said I was spending too much money, maybe it had something to do with the books I would sneak into the cart while no one was looking and then accidentally loosing the receipt. Hey I got out of all the major grocery shopping, but it hasn't helped in my endeavors while at Wal Mart.
Great Picks BTW!!
:D Glad to know I'm not alone! LOL. And I'm with you-- let's put all the blame on them! It's not our fault that we can't control our book-ish needs, and they flaunt them right in our face as we walk in!
I'm really anxious to start on all these books, but I know I need to work on the books that I've had for...um, 2 years, I think is the oldest one in my pile right now. It's hard though--- Atlantis Unleashed and Immortal Outlaw are really shouting out to me!
Heather D--
ROFL-- Did you husband make you stop, or did you just decide it would be better for all involved if you removed SAID temptation from your life? ;) I wish I could do the same, but our closest Wal Mart is about 30 miles away, and I'm sure if I kept all my shopping there, my cart would be filled with more books than food!
I love that excuse-- 'accidently' loosing the receipt! LOL. Then again, I usually do loose all my receipts without even trying....
Until Next Time,
The cost of books is comparable to my grocery order when I shop.
I think I must have BOD, too.
That's it, girl! Be proud, scream it out loud, you have BOD! It affects the best of us, don't worry. I wonder if it could be contagious...? Hmm... I can just see it now: "Breaking News: You no longer have to fear the Swine Flu. Instead, there's a new disease spreading through the country, the BOD. There is no cure, but some say that being around books, reading them, and discussing them, are all good ways to help control the overwhelming symptoms...."
Until Next Time,
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