If you are interested in being a guest author on TBQ's Book Palace, here is everything you need to know!
What is required in order to be a Guest Author?
Simple--you must be published. I don't care if you are self-published or being represented by a big publisher, as long as you have a book(s) on the market, that's all that is needed! (Aspiring Authors, I can host you, but as a Guest Blogger instead).
What kind of post can I do?
There are a variety of posts available to Guest Authors.
1) Author Interview -- I will send you the questions, you answer them (send them back!) and it is posted much like any other interview.
2) Guest Post -- You get to write a post about anything you wish (within reason--please clear the topic with me first!) I can help to come up with topic ideas if need be.
3) Character Interview -- This is similar to the author interview, but instead of me interviewing you, you will be interviewing one (or more) of your characters. You can make the interview funny, sexy, interesting, etc. Have fun with it-- many readers enjoy these interviews, as it shows us not only more about the characters and story, but you as well. :)
NOTE: Unless I have already read your book, I WILL NOT come up with the questions to ask your characters. If I don't know them, how can I really interview them?
4) Spotlights -- If you do not wish to do any of the other posts (or you do not have the time) I can do a spotlight on your book(s). This post consist of the basics (author bio, author pic, where to find the author, book information, book summary and cover, buy links, an excerpt [if you provide it], etc). This may seem like a simple post, but many readers use these to find out about new authors and series, and it can still help to get the word out about your work!
5) Giveaways -- Giveaways can be done alone (in which case I would put them with a spotlight post, to give the readers more info) OR they can be done along with either 1, 2, 3 OR my review (if I'm doing one). Giveaways are your responsibility--you must provide the prize (whatever it is), and send it to the winner. If you do a giveaway, I will need to know the specifics (what is the prize, open to US or INT, how long you want it to run, etc). After the giveaway is through, winner will be chosen by either Random.org or Rafflecopter (depends on the giveaway), I will contact the winner via email and then send you their address (or, if it's an e-book prize, I will just send you their email and you can take care of it from there).
I am also open to hosting Cover Reveals, too, where once you have the okay from your publisher you send the completed cover picture for your upcoming book and I spotlight that on the blog (along with the basics---book and author info, etc). You may do a Cover Reveal with any of the other post options, if you wish
OR, instead of a regular Cover Reveal, you can send the same information and I may decided to showcase it for that Sunday's Lusting for Covers!
How should I contact you?
For guest spots, of any kind, please email me with your request! I check my email daily, so this is the best way to get ahold of me--and much more professional than doing it via Twitter. :) Although, do not hesitate to bring it up to me on other media sites, but hold off on details and dates until you email me please! You can find my email, and other contact information, here.
What is the procedure for becoming a Guest Author?
First, email me with your request. In your first email, please do not send me all your information or books in attachments. If I agree to host you (which is almost always the case, but, hey, there may be exceptions), I will ask for you to send these to me later.
Tell me what kind of post you are interested in (Interview, Guest Post, Character Interview, Spotlight, AND/OR Giveaway). You may also ask me to review you book in this email; even if I do not wish to review you book right now, I would still be more than happy to host you!
Tell me a little bit about yourself--what kind of books you write, perhaps a link to your main site (even if that's a GoodReads author page), and tell me why you think I will like your books. I won't post about books that I'm not interested in ever reading. I do think about my audience as well; if your book does not seem to fit the genres that I cover, I will politely decline.
I will then tell you the dates I have available--but if my dates do not work for you, I'm willing to try and work around dates you have available.
Next, you need to send me the documents for your post. Documents would include either your interview, guest post or character interview; author bio and picture (or, if they are on your website, the link to your website, as well as any other media sites you wish to showcase); book cover picture; book summary and information; book excerpt (if you want to do this, it's not required); giveaway details (if applicable); and any other information, pictures, etc, that you wish to have on your final post. Also, please provide me with a question you may have for the readers, something to kick off a good discussion!
If I have any problems with the attachments you send, I may ask you to resend them again or in a different way. Once they have arrived, I will begin working on your post, set to go live on the day agreed upon.
On the day of your post, I will promote it on my Facebook, Twitter, and various other sites. But you should also try to do so as well--the more that people see the link, the more people that will also see your books!
*wipes brow* I think that covers everything. However, if you have any questions, please feel free to email me!
Until Next Time,
*TBQ's Book Palace is a member of both the Amazon and Barnes and Nobles affiliates program. By using the links provided to buy products from either website, I receive a very small percentage of the order. To read my full disclosure on the matter, please see this post!
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