Monday, June 4, 2012

Blogoversary Giveaway: Four Weeks, Four Genres! (Week 1)

It's Historical week here at TBQ's Book Palace as part of my 4 year blogoversary celebration!

This post kicks off the rest of the week's events. Plus, did I mention there's a giveaway involved? :) Read on!

Oh, and for all my international readers--check out this post for your chance to win during my blogoversary. :)

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Ah, historical romances... they will always have a special place in my heart!

Dashing lords make me swoon.

Devilish rogues make my heart flutter.

Hm..wonder if he goes commando...
Who wants to find out? *Me!*
Thanks to Melissa's Pinterest!
And Highlanders...Oh my, they make all sorts of good (but naughty!) things happen. Yes, yes... *ahem*

In other words, if it's a historical romance, I'm all over it!

When I started reading romance novels (years before I should have--I think we all have this story to tell, right? Where we would sneak the books into our bedroom to read during our young teen years? :D ), it was the historical ones that really grabbed me. I didn't care much for contemporaries (with the exception of Nora Roberts), I had yet to meet my second favorite (paranormal/fantasy), and I wasn't to the point yet where I dared to sneak an erotica novel.

Historicals have it all---great heroes, whether they're rich or poor, titled or not, a gentleman or a rogue. The heroines are often strong and refuse to fit into Society's pre-made mold. The romance is always epic and sweet and passionate--and if we're lucky, witty and steamy, as well. :) In other words, not only do they allow us to fantasize about a time that we've never seen, but they also have the best of everything romance.

Well hello, sexy...
Do you need help with
your...sword? ;)
Thanks to Melissa's Pinterest!
If you haven't picked up a book from this genre, I'd like to know why. And if you have, but didn't like it, all I can say is you must not have found the right one yet. They are out there, I promise. There is a historical romance for everyone--you just have to find it. Seek it out, you must! :)

I've read hundreds of historical romances over the years, loved almost every one of them, and have hundreds more on my wish list. I'm a historical lover. I may read other genres, but in the end, I always come back. If I'm having a dry spell, with more books hitting "meh" than they are "wow", I turn to a historical, because I'm almost guaranteed to love it.

It's hard to pinpoint a favorite historical novel I've read--there have been so many, and each one has been a favorite for a different reason. But I have to pick one [series] (giveaway alert!), so here we go...

Since book one, I've had a soft spot for Jennifer Ashley's Mackenzie brothers. They are such great men, tortured heroes all of them, though for different reasons. I've read 1-3 (still need to read Hart's story!), and LOVED every moment of them. And now I'm going to share the series with you!

The Highland Pleasures Series:

Books 1-4 [5 and 6 out next year!]

Book 1
never reviewed.
Book 2
Read my review!

Book 3
Read my review!
Book 4
Must. Read. Now!

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To celebrate Historical Week during my blogoversary, I'm going to give ONE lucky reader a special prize pack!

Prize Pack Includes:
~ONE copy of a book from Jennifer Ashley's Highland Pleasures Series (The Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie, Lady Isabella's Scandalous Marriage, The Many Sins of Lord Cameron, OR The Duke's Perfect Wife-- winner's choice on which)

~ONE Historical Romance HEA Journal (see picture of it here)



How to Enter:
Mandatory: You must leave a comment on this post--Do you love historical romances? If so, why? If not--what is it about them that you don't like?

Mandatory: You must fill out the Rafflecopter's first option (all other options are for extra entries and therefore are not required).

^A note on email addresses: Your email address must be visible to be entered into this contest. Why? This makes it easy for me to contact the winner and therefore get the prize out! Visible means: a) Email is left in your comment (ninja style is perfectly fine); b) Email is visible on your Blogger profile (or other such website--Twitter, Facebook, Blog, etc); or c) Email is used to log-in and fill out the Rafflecopter.

Giveaway open June 4th through June 10th! I will pick and announce the winner Monday morning (June 11th). Good Luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

See what else is going on for Historical Week!


Until Next Time,
*TBQ's Book Palace is a member of both the Amazon and Barnes and Nobles affiliates program. By using the links provided to buy products from either website, I receive a very small percentage of the order. To read my full disclosure on the matter, please see this post!


Danni T said...

I do like historical romance. There's something about the way the characters are portrayed differently that makes it so much fun. One of my favorites is Lisa Kleypas's It Happened One Autumn. I love the way the main guy character was so stuffy and loved his rules.


Unknown said...

I love historical romances!! I just love reading about a time so different from how we live now. Maya Banks has a great historical series called the Mccabe Trilogy. Thanks for the chance to win. Have a great week!! :)

The_Book_Queen said...

I agree! And Kleypas is definitely one of my favorite historical authors ever--I don't think I've read a book of hers that I didn't love!


The_Book_Queen said...

It's almost like the grown-up equivalant of the fairy tales and Disney movies, isn't it? :)

Oh, will have to put the trilogy on my list, thanks! Highlanders. Yum.


DBookWhore said...

I love the suspense & how they are over the top love stories. I love that it was such a different time that you can get lost in a completely different world & time. I also love out it can never be outdated! Great giveaway Hon!

Unknown said...

I adore historical fiction but I'm not sure I can quite put my finger on why. Part of it may be because my mother also loves historical fiction so they're some of the only books we read together and then talk about.

The_Book_Queen said...

I think you described why we love them perfectly! :) (sigh) I think it's time for me to go on a historical binge! lol.


The_Book_Queen said...

Being able to share your books, no matter who it's with, is always great. Sharing it with your mother? Simply awesome! :)


Blodeuedd said...

WOW, that is one sexy kilt!

The_Book_Queen said...

:) Oh yes, yes it is!


Sassy said...

I haven't read many historical romances. I tried the Highlander series by Gabalden and it wasn't my cup of tea. I have been hesitant to read others because of that. Silly, I know.

The_Book_Queen said...

I've only read the first few in her series, and while it's not half bad, it is definitely a bit, well, long and difficult at times. Personally, I see her books as more of a historical fiction story with some romance, rather than historical romance.

We will just have to find you some good historicals to try out--don't give up! :) If you want, take a peek through the historicals I've reviewed on here ( and see if any catch your eye. If I gave it a 3.5 or above, it's pretty good (4.5 and 5, obviously, being top!).


Lover Of Romance said...

I just love this series!!!! Jennifer Ashley is just amazing!!! Historical Romance is probably my great weakness when it comes to romance!!!

Anna said...

I so love Historical Romance, especially Highlander romance. Karen Moning's Highlander series is one of my most favorites. I just love going back in time with them and reading about big manly men that carry swords, well who wouldn't want to do that!?! :)

Unknown said...

I have always love historical romances. The first one I ever read was Diana Gabaldon. I was hooked. So the Highlanders have always had my heart!

erin said...

Happy Blogoversary!

I love HR b/c it is literally and truly an escape. Different time, different social rules, different clothes. Things were simpler and so it seems that the romance is a bit deeper b/c they didn't have modern distractions and had to really get to know each other. I've had Jennifer Ashley on my wishlist for a while now. She comes so highly recommended by everyone it seems :)

April Alvey said...

I Love All Romance the love and compassion in the books makes me feel like its me there.

The_Book_Queen said...

:) Jennifer is a very talented author, no matter the name she writes under or the genre she chooses! Though I confess, her Highlanders are my favorite! Yum!


The_Book_Queen said...

Highlanders make everything better! :)

Love Karen's series, I read all of them in less than 2 weeks when I first found them. I really need to go back and read them soon, though. :)


The_Book_Queen said...

Outlander was the very first book I reviewed on here, and it definitely helped to strengthen my historical love. :)

I think we need a Highlander Addict Support Group, don't you? Complete with hunky Highlanders in kilts. Or nothing. Preferably nothing... :)


The_Book_Queen said...

Exactly--I couldn't have said it better myself! :)

Oh, you haven't read Jennifer's work? Girl, that's it, regardless of this giveaway I'm sending you one of her books within the next few months. She is a must read, especially this series! :)


The_Book_Queen said...

Very true---romances novels are like the old Calgon commercials: Take me away! :)


Shadow said...

I love historical romances. Im not really sure why. I started out reading Johanna Lindsey. I like how different it was then compared to now. Seeing the strong woman defy those times back then. I just like them. I cant really put my finger on why. Oh, i love the balls! The pretty dresses, suits, and sometimes masks..awesome! :D

Mary Preston said...

I adore Historical Romances. It's the art of courtship & the rules of society & the clothes & the Rakes &.........

I love it all.

The_Book_Queen said...

I've only read one or two of Johanna's, but I have many of hers on my list.

I have to agree-between the strong woman and the balls, it's no wonder we like the books! :)


The_Book_Queen said...

Well said! :) I think it's the rakes...assuming we are talking about the ones that CAN be tamed and brought to heel! LOL.


Unknown said...

I don't really recall ever reading a historical romance. I do read historical fiction that sometimes has some steamy parts so I'm pretty sure that I would like it!

The_Book_Queen said...

Oh, that's it--we're going to turn you into a historical (romance) lover yet! :) Hehe. Just have to figure out what kind of story you like, and we'll go from there!


Melody May said...

I LOVE historical romance novels they are my absolute favorite I just love picturing the scene in my head. I tend to read more historically than any other type.

The_Book_Queen said...

It's beter than watching a movie, isn't it? :)


Anonymous said...

I do love historical romances. I like getting caught up in the past, when life seemed like it was slower and easier (in some ways - not in others). The male characters seem much stronger in historical romances.

Barbara said...

I like Historical romances...I like the descriptive way they speak...the mannerisms, the way they they lived...socialized...etc. I like how the men treated their women...for the most part anyway. And it's entertaining to read about what was considered scandalous...thx for the FAB giveaway op! I LOVE Jennifer's Highland Pleasures series!!

barbbattaglia @

Marie R. said...

I absolutely LOVE Historical Romances and prefer to read them over anything else. I think because, as with any book, I get carried away and find myself placing myself as one of the characters in the book, or even being the main female character. I know that this couldn't happen to me in real life, therefore historicals have already happened in the past. Although I will admit that there have been many times that I WISH I could be brought back to that time period - as long as I have one of those hunky highlands to take care of me! ;-)

erin said...

LOL! you are too sweet :)

I just discovered that a good friend of mine has been holding out! She has The Madness of Lord Ian and Lady Isabella's Scandalous Marriage which she is going to lend me. She never told me cuz she was all shy about reading romances. I put her straight and let her know that only the kool kids read romances ;)

Happy Blogoversary and thanks for such a fun and wonderful blog! I really enjoy all the reviews and such that you post and I look forward to seeing your name in my inbox. I'm not good at commenting but I'm lurking :)

Susan said...

I love historical romance. Not only do you get to read a great story you learn some nifty history to boot!

throuthehaze said...

I love historical romance because romance was so different back then from what it is today. There was propriety and courtship :) It is just fun to read
throuthehaze at gmail dot com