I am often asked; who is Aubrianna Hunter? And the truth is the answer isn't a simple one. Beyond being a dedicated wife and mother, I was raised by a Marine, and married into the Navy.
Needless to say I can go toe to toe with the most sarcastic people you have met, and can dish insults and curse with the best of them. I blurt wildly inappropriate things at precisely the moment when the room goes quiet, so much so that my co-author has nicknamed me Ted... Yes... After the bear in the movie.
Recently my husband has replaced calling me crazy with calling me "Creative", but the tone he uses to do it makes me question his sincerity. Though honestly, crazy is probably closer to reality. I like my hectic life, in fact I thrive in the chaos and would have it no other way.
Where to Find Aubrianna:
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
The_Book_Queen: Hi Aubrianna! Can you tell
us a little bit about yourself?
Aubrianna: Okay, so basic stats tell me that I am a wife and mother,
and I love being both. I am also a gluten free vegan, I love yoga and
meditation, I have recently started doing Brazilian Butt Lift and absolute LOVE
it. I am kind of a hippie, preferring organics, homeopathic remedies,
alternative medicines. I hope to someday make the wellness center (described in
my book Siochain) a reality with my best friend, Melinda.
TBQ: Good luck! Nothing wrong with healthy living like that--I'll admit, I definitely need to start doing more things like that for my own health! :D
When did you know that you wanted to write? And when did you
realize that romance was your genre of choice? :)
A: Oddly, while I have always written some things, always wished I could be an author, I never
really thought it was possible. That rational part of my brain sort of ruled
it. I finally decided to try my hand at writing a whole book when I had
purchased and slogged my way through about eight or nine really horrible books
in a row. I figured I liked the stories in my head better than the ones I was
reading, so I may as well write them down. Romance was a no brainer... It's
what I love to read, to imagine. Who wouldn't want a happy ending?
TBQ: HEAs make the world go round, in my opinion! :D
Your newest release, Hidden Depths, came out
in January. And may I say that I LOVE the cover for it?! :D Can you tell us a
little bit about this book, and why readers are going to love it?
A: Why readers are going to love it... Well, honestly, you almost
have to love Gia. Either because you can relate to her, or maybe have some of
her insecurities, or simply because she says all the things most of us only
think! The book is steamy... Really steamy. I seem to push the boundaries a
little more with each book I write. I love the back and forth between Josh and
Gia. They are good to each other without being sappy at all. I personally am
not much for sappy, hearts and flowers kind of romance. I like my guys a little
dark, a little broken. Even when they seem to have it all together.
TBQ: I love a heroine that I can relate to, so Gia sounds like my kind of lady! :)
Are there other genres you would like to write about?
A: Paranormal... I am actually coauthoring a paranormal trilogy
right now with author Jeremy Laszlo, called The Beyond series. Book one, Beyond
the Mask is already out. We are talking about the possibility of a YA series
afterward as well, although even that would have a little romance to it. Maybe
a murder mystery? Pretty much anything except historical... I am not a history
buff! I envy people who are. LOL.
TBQ: I know we all hate this question, author and reader alike.
:) But I have to ask: What are a few of your favorite books and/or authors?
A: I like Lorelei James, for a more erotica style writing, I
like Meg Silver. For mystery type books and even the YA series, I really like
James Patterson and love Cassandra Clare Mortal Instruments series. My absolute
favorite author though is Kresley Cole, Immortals After Dark series. She's just
funny and sarcastic. I really enjoy reading her books.
TBQ: Sounds like we need to be book BFFs! :) With the exception of Silver, who I've never read, the others are on my favorites list, too! :)
We've all fallen for a hero (or two, or three,
or....ahem). Tell us one hero that
you've fallen for—who is he and what drew you to him?
A: Rydstrom from Kiss of a Demon King by Kresley Cole. And his
brother, Cadeon... Oh, and Garreth MacRieve... All from Kresley Cole. Like I
said, I really like that dark, damaged, alpha male... slightly damaged and
broken. And they all have that in spades!
TBQ: Mmmm.. yes, you can never go wrong with one of Cole's heroes!
What's next-- Can you tell us a little bit about your
upcoming releases or WIP?
A: Work in progress... That's actually harder than you'd think.
I am currently working on several different projects actually. I have Hidden
Desires, which will be book two of the Hidden series. It is Deb's story, and
without offering too many spoilers, answers a few questions some readers had. I
am working with Jeremy to complete book three of The Beyond trilogy. I want to
get around to Nina's story, which will be the follow up to You Can't Go Home
Again, but I also have another erotic romance started, potential title Written
in Lust that may come before Nina. LOL. Deb's story needs to be told, so she
takes priority for now and I am working to complete that book as soon as
possible. (This just proves that authors are very busy--always another story (or two, or twenty) waiting to be told! :D Good luck with all of them, I look forward to reading them!)
A day on a secluded island OR a day at the spa?
Spa... with no cell phone. (Agreed--what's the point of the relaxation of the spa if the phone is there to still distract you?)Spicy - ALWAYS!!! (Not a thing wrong with that! *wink*)
Oooohhh... Do I really have to pick one? (Greedy, huh? ;) Nothing wrong with that, either!)
Out of those two, cold winter nights... However, ideally it would be hot summer nights!
I would dream for one of each... to suit my mood at the moment. If forced to choose, mountain in the woods.
Hmmmm... Maybe the sixties? I would have loved to be at Woodstock.
Has to be cover... Sometimes I don't even read the blurbs until I have already purchased the book. (I do this. All. The. Freaking. Time! :) LOL.)
Spicy... but slow build up. Not a fan of short stories personally... You don't have time to get attached to the characters. (Very true--there are a few excellent novellas I've read, but more often than not, they across as, you guessed it, too short.)
Coffee... Is that a food? (This seems to be a common answer with all guests on the blog... :D)
And finally, tell us 3 unique/wacky/fun things about
- I was a drama geek in high school.
- I was a lifeguard/swimmer/swim instructor for high school and college.
- My favorite pajamas are fuzzy monkey pants.
The_Book_Queen: Thanks so much for stopping by, Aubrianna, and please know
that you are welcome back anytime! Do you have any questions for our
readers—something to spark a good discussion? :)
Aubrianna: I would love to hear readers input on their
favorite/craziest ways to spice up a sex life that might be having a 'dull
moment'... advice for all the married readers who might be missing the passion
of new love.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Hidden Depths by Aubrianna Hunter
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (January 23, 2013)
Genre: Contemporary Romance (Erotica)
She is pierced, dyed and tattooed, born on the wrong side of the tracks. He is a traditional white knight born of the proverbial silver spoon. Their meeting was an accident, the fact that they became even the most tentative of friends, an anomaly. The only real thing they had in common... chemistry. Lots of chemistry. Unfortunately, that wasn't enough and Gia knew it. Now, if only she could convince her body...
Josh had always walked the line, lived the life he was expected to live. He had, by all accounts, the perfect life; a corporate lawyer, a beautiful home, a family empire to run, and the perfect fiancee. He was well on his way. The only question he had... was that really where he wanted to go? Plagued by dreams, Josh fought all his natural instincts, denying not only what he truly wanted but who he was deep down inside. Until one crazy night when he gave in to his desires...
Could these two polar opposites have more in common than even they realize?
Where to Buy*:
More Info:
Hidden Depths by Aubrianna Hunter
Everyone started peeling off clothes,
slathering on sunscreen and racing into the water. Kicking off her sandals, Gia
was one of the last, still putting her keys away and tucking her purse under
the umbrella. She pulled off her shirt and shorts then turned, surprised to see
Josh standing there with his shirt still on. Since they were the only two left
on the sand, she felt she could speak freely. And, she knew why he wasn't in
the water yet.
healed enough to go in, ya know. Make sure you coat it with a layer of
sunscreen and wash it really well when you get home, but it's been over two
weeks, you're fine to swim. Besides, it's too fuckin' hot not to."
I'm not worried about that."
why are you still up here? Want to borrow my sunscreen?" Gia tossed it
over to him then turned and reached for her hat. At his hiss of breath, she
turned and looked at him. He looked... strange. He stared at her, his eyes
roving over her, head to toe.
I know I'm not as skinny as they are, but I've never had any complaints, so
quit staring at me. And I know it's not about the ink. You've seen most of it
before, and now you have one of your own."
not fat, Gia, don't be stupid," he growled at her.
not stupid, dumbass." All of a sudden it dawned on her why he was still
standing there. She couldn't stop the laugh that bubbled up at her realization.
"You haven't told her, have you? Deb doesn't know you have a tat."
he glared at her, no longer taking in her body, just staring straight into her
eyes, all pissed off and pouting like a petulant child.
I haven't shown her yet."
how the hell did you manage that. I mean, I know she has her own place still,
but seriously, it's not a little tattoo, Josh. How could she not see it when
you're doin' the nasty? Unless, wait, are you a shirt on kind of guy?"
time he didn't even bother with words, just growled at her, a low menacing
sound. Which sent Gia off into fits of laughter.
that's a yes. I don't see why. Having recently seen that torso, I can easily
attest to the fact that you have nothing to be shy about. Or maybe you guys are
a lights off kind of couple. Nobody can see anything. Am I right?"
temper finally snapping, Josh stepped up to Gia, leaning over her in an obvious
attempt to seem threatening. "I am not embarrassed, as I thought I'd
already proven when I stripped in your shop. And I don't need the lights off. I
like to see what I'm doing, where I'm touching. See the reactions I'm causing
with my lips and my tongue. See everything, including the look of pleasure when
I bury my cock inside her."
her suddenly dry lips, it took two tries before she could make her voice work.
If she didn't know better, she would swear he was talking about her, not Deb.
Standing up on her toes, bringing her face closer to level with his, she went
nose to nose with him. She refused to be cowed, and she damn sure wouldn't let
him know what his words were doing to her. "Well then, how is it that she
hasn't seen it yet?"
head snapped back. He took one step, then another backward, away from Gia.
"Because, we haven't exactly done the 'nasty', as you put it, since I got
the work done."
was shocked. Truly, completely stunned. There is no way she could keep her
hands off a man like that for almost three full weeks. Three full hours seemed
like too long. Three days... forget it.
a casual shrug and a wicked smirk, she said, "Well, that explains so much.
You're sexually deprived. How long had it been before the tat? You know, sexual
frustration can make you do some very foolish things. Oh, and I need to make
sure to get Deb a really good BOB for her shower gift. If you're not taking
care of business she definitely needs a battery operated boyfriend. There is no
way I could go three weeks without rubbin' one out. I'm more of an everyday
sort of girl."
him standing there with his mouth hanging open, Gia strolled down to the water.
She lifted one arm, pushing her hat further down on her head and added an extra
little swing to her hips as she walked. Being hard up definitely explained the
hard on a few weeks ago. Not to mention all the flirting he'd been doing. She
figured the extra wiggle might be just exactly what he needed.
she waded out into the water she grinned, thinking of the fireworks about to
start when Deb caught sight of the tattoo. When she heard splashing behind her
she turned, just in time to see Josh diving at her in a full body tackle.
* * * *
As she came up sputtering, her hair
hanging in wet strands sticking to her face, Josh felt infinitely better. He'd
already been aroused just by the sight of her in a bikini. Her taunting and his
little description of sex had made him hard as a damn fence post. A situation that
was made worse by the visual he'd had of her 'rubbin' one out'. Since he knew
there was no real way to hide the evidence of his desire, getting into the
water as quickly as possible had seemed like a great idea. Taking her down a
peg in the process had been even better.
damn you! Now I have sunscreen running into my eyes. And where's my hat?"
She yelled all this as she frantically wiped beneath her eyes, trying to stop
her makeup from running.
from ear to ear, Josh scooped up her very wet hat, still full of water, and
plopped it unceremoniously onto her head. "There you go, sweetheart, is
that what you wanted?"
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
Aubrianna will gift a Kindle copy of Hidden Depths to one lucky winner!
How to Enter:
Giveaway ends May 8th. Winner will be announced (blog, Twitter and FB) on May 9th. Good Luck!
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
Aubrianna will gift a Kindle copy of Hidden Depths to one lucky winner!
How to Enter:
- Leave a comment on this post answering Aubrianna's question (or ask her one yourself).
- Please leave some way for us to contact you if you win (email addy, Twitter name, GoodReads/Facebook name...something! No, it's not required, but it does make it easier to get prizes sent out!)
Giveaway ends May 8th. Winner will be announced (blog, Twitter and FB) on May 9th. Good Luck!
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
Thanks for stopping by today, Aubrianna! :) Wow, what an excerpt--and cover! I started Hidden Depths yesterday, and I'm loving it already. Talk about steamy--between the sexy "dry humping" scenes (sounds crazy, but DAMN are they hot!), the orgasm on the dance floor, and the orgasm challenge...Yum!
Don't forget Aburianna's question!
I would love to hear readers input on their favorite/craziest ways to spice up a sex life that might be having a 'dull moment'... advice for all the married readers who might be missing the passion of new love.
My advice...I've got nothing. Sorry! Although I may be single, my life isn't exactly, ahem, wild right now. :)
Until Next Time,
*TBQ's Book Palace is a member of both the Amazon and Barnes and Nobles affiliates program. By using the links provided to buy products from either website, I receive a very small percentage of the order. To read my full disclosure on the matter, please see this post!
Loved the excerpt--definitely made me laugh. The cover is just YUMMY!! I could gobble him up LOL
Love the excerpt and cover. My kind of read. Ok curious now about the 'dry humping' scenes and orgasm on the dance floor.
Answer: Have public sex. I have been married for 22 years and surprising my hubby with some public sexing or vice versa helps keeps the spark going for us. It brings back memories of when we first met and couldn't keep are hands off each other.
Hope I win!!!
Wickedly Delicious Book Blog
Just thinking about it makes me blush. Can't share!!
I know--trust me though! *grabs ice*
Oooh, you naughty girl! *wink* But apparantly you're doing everything right, 22 years proves that! :D
Thanks for stopping by, good luck!
:) Thanks for stopping by, good luck!
I think you'd like this one, definitely put it on your list at least! :)
Good Luck!
I loved the excerpt and think Hidden Depths looks like a tasty read, definitely added to the TBR. Hubs and I have been married for twenty-eight years and sometimes it takes looking back and remembering those tender moments. Making a treat that he loves, a tender touch, and a pat in the appropriate places with the mysterious grin. Rekindling does not necessarily have to be shocking or out of the "norm" for a couple and can be just remembering the consideration of all the years of getting to know one another, our likes and pleasures, and taking the time and effort to push those buttons ;) of course a saucy maid's costume or new bullwhip doesn't hurt thrown into the mix LOL
Wickedly Delicious,
Love, love, LOVE that advice! LOL. If you've read Hidden Depths, or any of my books actually, I do LOTS of teasing, tempting, and some downright pleasing in public!
After 28 years, all I have to say is whatever you're doing... it's working! Congrats and thanks for the pointers!
Lover of Romance,
Thank you! Hope you enjoy the book as well as the excerpt and the cover! Oh, and I'm glad you liked it! It was the first cover I got to handpick the photo for! LOL.
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