You've heard me talking about it for a while, and now it's finally here!
Wickedly Delicious and I are hosting a new group, Shifter-a-Thon-Read-a-Long, for fans of, what else, shifter romances! Come join the fun! :)
Here is the link to the GoodReads group for it:
This is where all the polls, discussions, etc, will take place. Help spread the word and invite other shifter fans. The more the merrier!
Voting for June was pretty still pretty small, but the winner has been picked....
The discussion for Delicate Freakn' Flower by Eve Langlais will be Sunday, June 23rd on the group page, so mark your calendars and get to reading!
Now, be warned--this one is a sexy read, and involves menage, so if that is not your cup of tea, no problem, please join us for July's pick instead. :)
Don't have time to read this one, or you're not interested? No problem! You can pick and choose which months you would like to participate! But if you want to help pick the next book, you have to join the group and vote, so why not head on over and join now!
I'll be posting my review of the book on/around June 30th, and WD will be posting hers as well. You are more than welcome to post a review (GR, blog, Amazon, BN, etc), but it is not required.
In the next week or so we will be trying to decide on July's book. Join the group, go to the "What Book Next? -- July 2013" post and submit up to 2 titles that you'd like to read. You have until June 21st to do this! Then the top 5 most common titles will be put in the July poll open until June 30th, and you'll get a chance to vote! July's book will be announced July 1st, and the discussion will be planned for the end of the month (exact date TBA).
Have I convinced you to come join the fun yet? :) Come on, you know you want to! Who can say no to a sexy shifter? And since Wickedly Delicious and I will be part of the group, you know that some slightly inappropriate, but fun discussions will be held! :D
Until Next Time,
*TBQ's Book Palace is a member of both the Amazon and Barnes and Nobles affiliates program. By using the links provided to buy products from either website, I receive a very small percentage of the order. To read my full disclosure on the matter, please see this post!
Reading this right now, fantastic book. First time for me for this author.
:D I can't wait to get started, it will be my first time reading this author as well. I'm so glad to hear you're liking it! Please be sure to join the fun on the 23rd!
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