The books in her Super Agent series have won a CataNetwork Reviewers’ Choice Award, CAPA nominations, the New England Reader’s Choice Bean Pot Award for Best Romantic Suspense in 2010 and the ACRA Heart of Excellence Reader’s Choice Award for Best Romantic Suspense in 2011.
Her Witches Anonymous series was dubbed a Fallen Angel Reviews Recommended Read. The Super Agent Series, Witches Anonymous Series, and the Kali Sweet Series have been on multiple Amazon Kindle bestsellers lists. Her culinary romantic mystery, THE SECRET INGREDIENT, and the first book in her Deadly series, DEADLY PURSUIT, are both USA TODAY bestsellers.
Misty likes her coffee black, her conspiracy stories juicy, and her wicked characters dressed in couture. When not reading or writing, she enjoys music, movies, and hanging out with her husband, twin sons, and two spoiled puppies.
Where to Find Misty:
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
Operation Sheba by Misty Evans
Publication Date: May 14, 2014 (original release date September 9, 2008)
Series: Super Agents, 1
Genre: Romantic Suspense
For fans of Homeland and Covert Affairs!
***#1 Romantic Suspense, #2 Romance, #3 Bestseller in Kindle Store in 2010!
***1st Place Winner of the New England Readers Choice Award for Best Romantic Suspense!
First in the award-winning romantic suspense Super Agent series by USA TODAY bestselling author Misty Evans.
Julia Torrison—codename Sheba—is keeping secrets.
Seventeen months ago she was one of the CIA’s super agents, facing down dangerous terrorists with her partner and lover Conrad Flynn. After a mission was blown and Conrad died, Julia was yanked back to Langley and given a new identity. She is now the Counterterrorism Center’s top analyst, spending her days at CIA headquarters and her nights in her boss’s bed. Her former life as a secret agent has been sealed off with her heart.
Former SEAL Conrad Flynn—codename Solomon—has his own secrets.
For starters, he’s not dead. Going under the deepest cover possible, he faked his own death to save Sheba’s life. Now he must tear that new life apart and ask for her help to hunt down a traitor inside the Agency’s walls.
Is Conrad a rogue operative or a jealous ex-lover looking for revenge?
Julia must risk everything for the man who still holds her heart in order to decide. Drawn into a web of seduction and betrayal, she is forced to play the spy game of her life, flushing out an Agency mole and stopping a hostage situation using nothing more than her iPod and her intuition.
Where to Buy*:
More Info:
Operation Sheba by Misty Evans
The man sat perfectly
still in the semidarkness watching the woman sleep. Only a sheet covered the
slender body on the queen-size bed. Long hair stretched out in waves on her
pillow, and he tamped down the urge to reach out and touch it. He watched the
rhythmic rise and fall of her chest and slowed his own breathing to match.
Resting his gun, a suppressed Heckler & Koch, on his right thigh, he wished
he had a cigarette to calm his nerves.
like his true identity, had been given up years ago, but every once in awhile
he caught himself craving the feel of the stick between his lips, the smoke
curling around his face. At thirty-two, he’d lost track of all the things he’d
given up to become the man he was at this moment. He’d played too many roles,
led too many lives, losing his sense of duty and fairness only to find himself
becoming the enemy he was supposed to search out and destroy.
But he’d
never lost track of her.
continued to sleep deeply, a sight he had rarely witnessed in their five-plus
years together. Her demeanor when awake was calm and unshakable. She was
analytical and calculating, sizing up any given situation and devising two or
three options to keep herself, and him, alive. But in sleep, nightmares
tormented her. Nightmares that gripped her so hard she would cry out, making
his blood run cold. He would pull her close and murmur reassurances in her ear,
stroke her face and rock her in his arms. Anything to scatter the demons that
terrorized her mind and raped her soul.
Seeing her
at peace here in the early morning hours gave him comfort. I shouldn’t have
come. I should have stayed dead to her, left her in whatever conciliation she
has found. But he needed her and the hand was already dealt. If he failed he
would be dead, for real this time, and someone else would come for her. He
couldn’t fail. Her life depended on it as much as his did.
A memory of
their escape from Berlin the first time he’d used her knowledge of explosives
surfaced in his mind. After he had detonated the bomb and eliminated the
warehouse, he had pulled her into a hotel in the Mitte District and paid for a
shabby room. There they had spent those first few hours after the explosion
making love under the goose-down quilt, needing the affirmation they both still
lived to wipe out the pain they shared. Hours later, after he had slept and she
had stared out the window at the stagnant Spree River, they wired a car and
drove to Tegel Airport. Both had changed their appearance and, traveling
together, never raised a single eyebrow as they passed the airport’s security
and boarded a plane to Venice. Only then in the safety of the sky did
exhaustion take over and afford her sleep.
The woman
stirred, bringing her legs up into a fetal position. The room was starting to
gray with the approaching sunrise. Her hand slipped under her absent lover’s
pillow and he smiled, the familiarity of her movement sending ripples of
anticipation rushing through his veins. He struggled to keep himself from
whispering her name in the silent room. Pulling himself back a step from the
edge, he took a deep breath, slid his gun into the waistband at the small of
his back and willed himself to be patient and savor the moment. After all, he
had waited seventeen months for this.
Torrison sensed two things upon wakening. Michael was gone and there was
another unidentifiable human presence in her room.
her deep, even breathing, she kept her body motionless as if still in sleep to
give her mind a few more precious minutes to filter through the probable
identity of her visitor.
The options
were cataloged in her brain. Enemies of her country and of her own making were
widespread. But who these days cared whether she lived or died? She was simply
an analyst now, lost in the windowless, cubicle-induced maze of the CIA’s
Counterterrorism Center. From her four-by-six bunker of space, she did what
they asked her to—analyze terrorists. Fieldwork was behind her now. Years of
training and self-discipline, invisible orders and covert operations lost in
the blink of an eye, in the explosion of a bomb, in the abrupt and complete
silence of her partner.
No enemy
could have found her easily. The CIA had created a new identity for her,
Abigail Quinn, and plunked her in their ultimate safe house at Langley. She had
thought she would go mad from the sterile confinement of the CTC office, but
filtering through the endless pools of information about the disciplined madmen
trying to bring America to its knees had actually pacified her. It had become
meditation, freeing her brain from the racing thoughts about him. About what
she could have, should have done to save him. The guilt for still being alive
while he was dead gnawed at her, especially in the dark hours of the night when
Michael’s hands reached for her instead of his. But through the work, and
because of Michael’s constant reinforcement, she was finally becoming Abigail
Quinn. Her past self was doggedly being sealed off, layer of brick over layer
of brick, never to be seen again.
Perhaps her
visitor was simply a thief who had watched Michael leave with Pongo, his
Rottweiler, for their daily run to the lake. However, no casual burglar could
have made it past the posted guard at the gate or the home’s
eleven-thousand-dollar security system.
pillow was still warm where his head had been minutes earlier. Her hand wrapped
slowly around the hidden Beretta 92F 9-mm stored there and she felt the thrill
of the hunted turned hunter. People underestimated her because she was a woman
and because her characteristic quietness was often taken for ignorance.
It was
always their mistake.
Julia willed
her heart not to pump out of her chest as she eased the safety off the gun. It
really didn’t matter who the intruder was…he was in for a big surprise.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
Break the
Spy Code Contest with Giveaways!
Misty Evans
wants you to be a spy! She’s hidden code words on her website that make up a
famous quote from her Super Agent novel, OPERATION SHEBA. Gather all eight
words to form the quote and be entered to win an iTunes or Starbucks gift card.
To play:
Find the first word and instructions here: http://readmistyevans.com/book/4/operation-sheba
Once you
have the famous quote, message Misty with it on her Facebook Fan Page (Be sure to Like the page first!) and you’ll be entered into the
The contest
will run from May 14 – 23. Winners will be announced on Misty’s Facebook page
on May 26th!
Follow the rest of the Tour!
May 14, 2014
May 15, 2014
May 16, 2014
May 17, 2014
May 19, 2014
May 20, 2014
May 21, 2014
Ooh, sounds like a great romantic suspense -- it's on my list! And I love the new cover, Misty.
Have you read Misty Evans before? Do you have a favorite book of hers?
Until Next Time,
*TBQ's Book Palace is a member of both the Amazon and Barnes and Nobles affiliates program. By using the links provided to buy products from either website, I receive a very small percentage of the order. To read my full disclosure on the matter, please see this post!
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